Toad Hall Motessori nursery school London
Toad Hall Motessori nursery school London
Toad Hall Motessori nursery school London

Toad Hall Nursery school in Kennington SE11

Toad Hall Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth LondonToad Hall Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth LondonEarly learning goals

At Toad Hall we follow the Foundation stage curriculum which leads to the Early Learning Goals. The Foundation stage is part of the National Curriculum for England. It covers education for children aged from three to the end of the reception year (the year in which they turn five).
We believe that children learn best when they are motivated and having fun. We aim to offer a broad, balanced range of activities that are carefully planned to meet the needs of all the children.
The Early Learning Goals are divided into six areas:

1) Personal, Social and Emotional Development:

Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London
Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London

2) Communication. Language and Literacy:

Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London

3) Mathematical Development:

Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London

4) Knowledge and Understanding of the World:

Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall nursery school London Toad Hall nursery school London

5) Creative Development:

Toad Hall nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London
Toad Hall nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London
Toad Hall nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London

6) Physical Development:

Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London Toad Hall Montessori nursery school London

Toad Hall Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London Montessori Nursery school in Lambeth London